Extension springs
Extension spring is a screw-shaped cylindrical spring usually with clinging active coils. It is able to take up external forces acting in its axis one from each other. When the spring is used, the wire is subject to twisting stress.
Our company manufactures extension springs of all types and shapes:
- all types of lifting lugs:
- German and English lugs and half-lugs
- extended and special lugs
- "endless" extension springs without lugs - Bowden
Extension springs are made of wires of a cylindrical cross-section from wire diameter of 0.32 mm up to 3.2 mm.
Power characteristics of extension springs are guaranteed pursuant to any customer-specific requirements.
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Kontaktní informace
Pružiny Praha, spol s r.o. - provozovna
Radějovice 12
251 68
Česká republika
Company ID